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Archive | Politics

Socialization: Sociability or Socialism?

 Understanding is the ability to differentiate. You know that you understand when you are able to tell the difference between two given objects or ideas that have surface similarities. Now, in the “age of indefinition”, it is imperative for us to understand the following three terms for they are indeed different. Definitions follow the Random […]

"Health Insurance Reform"

The most obvious problem with all this “health care reform” or “health insurance reform” stuff is that that there is no possible way the government can pay for it. Creating a commission of “health experts” to oversee Medicare might squeeze out a couple billion dollars of waste to help out, but that’s not much compared […]

A Thought on the Economy

“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving . . . . You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.” – Adrian Rodgers

Israel: Election Day

These are important days for Israel. And who wouldn’t agree that it’s an incredible time in history for us all! Whether for the sake of those around us or for the Lord in quiet prayer, our voice of support for Israel has the potential for great influence. My normal “posting day” isn’t until Thursday but […]

More than My Vote

It’s hard to believe that election day is so close! Having been in Northwoods for a week (and consequently out of touch with the rest of the world) and then busily catching up on things at work, the long-awaited day snuck up faster than ever I thought possible. I woke up this Saturday morning wishing […]